So I was thinking today about how in my previous sociology classes we talked about push/pull factors. This is apparent especially in immigration. Usually people migrate because the place they are from is not advantageous for them to stay in (push) and another place presents opportunities (pull). This believe it or not, is not a sociology lesson. I believe that everything we do to a certain extent has a push/pull factor. In my life I'm going through my own transition. From a social based career to a fashion career, I'm studying and moving in a completely different direction. Here's the relevance to the push/pull factor theory for me. There is little push for me. I don't hate my job. I'm not bored of it. It's not tedious for me. I am a community support worker which means I assist people with special needs. Sometimes that means helping them bathe, eat and take them for walks, and for other clients that may mean helping them build a resume. I have some pretty amazing clients who I connect with on a personal level. Before this job, I worked with kids for a few years. The most common reaction that I get to my job is that "it must be so rewarding". Yes and no. It is rewarding because I work with some really great people, it's always interesting, and I am always learning. I've been working with this client for almost a year. He has severe autism, O.C.D. and he also has Mania. He is not verbal and only knows limited sign language when he remembers it. He is so honest and sincere though and doesn't know how to fake emotions. He loves to eat and sometimes just wants you to rub his head. How can you not find that endearing and

It's not so rewarding sometimes because people with special needs are like anyone else in many ways. Sometimes you connect with them, and sometimes you don't. Also I really feel like my passion and own personal development are being neglected. I need art and I need fashion. Fashion is about presentation and expression and acceptance. It will make or break whether you get a job or not. I went through a transition in life when I discovered fashion. Perhaps one that saved me. A career in fashion is also a bit of a risk which I was afraid of until last summer. For me, there is not much push in my career, but there is a huge pull for me in the fashion career. One that I sacrifice for.
This photo is of me in 2005 working at a summer camp. I had put on a fashion show with/for the kids. It was terrible but the kids loved it (mostly) and I loved doing it. I made the poster and put it together.

I keep this photo in my binder at school because it reminds me to keep my eyes open and follow my heart. I never thought I'd actually pursue a career in fashion back then, but why not? I am passionate about it and it's going to happen. This picture is me in my default, doing something I love. Isn't that what your career should be?
So onward and upward with this fight for fashion. I hope that whoever reads this pursues their default dream too.
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